Just In
for Fall ApartAll Apart

1/3/2006 c1 124in theory
I was recommended to you by another poet, and I love your style. I'm glad I checked this out, it's so free of any cliche.
10/26/2005 c1 97Torturd Artist
Hey Tarantino,Remember me? Yeah I know - it's been a while right? Once I saw that you were already gone - I wish i had ignored the so called "important" things in life (school and work) to check here because I would've liked to say goodbye before you went off. Though I ended up writing a poem, inspired and dedicated to you. (http:/w.fictionpress.com/read.php?storyid=2035842). Onto your poem though ... my favorite line is "I hope it will be better then past memories" - I can relate 100% to that one ... fav line number two is the last line "unwanted memories" - I like how that line was repeated twice and then ended the poem with a change of wording...Like all of your poems this was amazing - only thing I see is "Even when I though I had enough" - I know you mean thought ... Suddenly growing up is becoming so real, like I think I'm still babied slightly since I tend to be seen as sweet and innocent..yet still people are suddenly assuming that I should know what to do all the time, where to be, what to know - it's insane ... I like this poem I think because it's relatable to so many people .. You and me are in completely different situations, yet we obviously both can relate completely ... It's a great poem and I hope to soon have you safely at home again.

- Artist
8/11/2005 c1 22FallBreeze
I like how the first two and last two lines mirror one another. As a reader I can really see the fear you are facing-have you ever tried not rhyming? I think it would be a lot less restrictive with everything that you feel inside right now. I hope you stay safe in everything you do with the Marines.

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