Just In
for Kernos Duriel

11/19/2005 c4 31Ecryptic
Getting a little bit more freaky now. Nothing worse than have to drink a gallon of blood. I say even if Kernos somehow does make it through, the kid is going to be scarred mentally.

Another great chapter as usual.
10/28/2005 c3 Ecryptic
Nothing worse than being left in the dark with a bunch of bugs having you like a buffet, you know? It seems like Kernos is in trouble.

In my opinion, you're going at a great pace with this story. Don't want to feed us too much at once.

Can't wait for the next chapter.
10/27/2005 c1 32Mike James Watson
honestly i liked it. it needs to move more.. on to something, it kind of lacks a climax, no offense. a bit of tweaking and you could smash this entertaining bit of writing into something... flawless let's say. later
10/24/2005 c2 31Ecryptic
It isn't that bad. I think that it is pretty good. It is written well and it is interesting enough that I want read more. Who cares about being cliché in the first place? Hopefully, another chapter is on the way so I can find out what happens to Kernos
9/2/2005 c1 16Theory Of The 4th Dimension
Hmm...interesting read. This can be a good opening chapter. But I hope the new writings you'd add to this would do this chapter justice.

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