Just In
for Requiem

2/22/2008 c1 34RhythmOfMySoul
Wow. This was a really nice poem. It reminds me of my poem lost.

Which Filipino language do you speak? Two of my friends speak Tagalog.
9/15/2005 c1 Ahemait
i couldnt read or understand the flipino, but it was very cool that you wrote the poem in two different languages. your rhymes were well done, not repetive or forced. good job, and thanks for the review
9/3/2005 c1 6InvictusFides4
Your words expressed the feelings death brings. It was great
9/3/2005 c1 1HideousCarWreck
I usually don't like rhyming poems, but I truly enjoyed this.
9/3/2005 c1 1thestonedfox
Both pomes were beautiful, but I liked the Filipino one better. Rare nowadays to find Pinoys comfortable enough to write poetry in their own language. Good work!
8/24/2005 c1 60Lord Jon Jon
It's truly a touching piece. You've managed to rekindle old memories of my grandmother at her funeral.

It's beautiful.
8/24/2005 c1 34thebigbadwolf
galing mo, pare. :-D i kind of like the filipino one better, but they're both beautiful.
8/23/2005 c1 16Theory Of The 4th Dimension
I thought this would be another angst poem ranting about death. But there was so much love in this poem. It warms mah haeart. Its a beautiful worthy of a respected farewell. See ya around fellow pinoy!=P

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