10/5/2005 c4
i've noticed a few errors in this but for the most part it's good. it sounds kind of interesting, and i would very much like to read more.

i've noticed a few errors in this but for the most part it's good. it sounds kind of interesting, and i would very much like to read more.
10/5/2005 c1 lulujynxgemini
hehe, her name is sarah and she likes good charlotte! that's totaly awesome! on to chapter two now
hehe, her name is sarah and she likes good charlotte! that's totaly awesome! on to chapter two now
9/27/2005 c4 bec
rachie omg! it is really really good! u have to continue it soon! i cant wait to c wat happens next! good work!
rachie omg! it is really really good! u have to continue it soon! i cant wait to c wat happens next! good work!
9/26/2005 c4
as you wish. =)
nice chappie. =) it's been a while... i don't remember as much.
but loved the idol reference. =) hehe. results are gonna be on in... 12 minutes. =) [i'm not obsessed!]
love it. =)
but love the total hatred for sarah. hehehe. =) but jake sweems sweet. =) *shrug* i dunno. =)
update sooner. =)

as you wish. =)
nice chappie. =) it's been a while... i don't remember as much.
but loved the idol reference. =) hehe. results are gonna be on in... 12 minutes. =) [i'm not obsessed!]
love it. =)
but love the total hatred for sarah. hehehe. =) but jake sweems sweet. =) *shrug* i dunno. =)
update sooner. =)
8/27/2005 c3 ickynicky
I like this chapter.
Personally, the parents story is much more interesting. But that might be coz im not a girl :P I feel inspired to write.
Oh and just so you know, you can never be too drunk to notice a girl in a pink robe and elmo slippers.
I like this chapter.
Personally, the parents story is much more interesting. But that might be coz im not a girl :P I feel inspired to write.
Oh and just so you know, you can never be too drunk to notice a girl in a pink robe and elmo slippers.
8/26/2005 c3 inandout
don't you just love getting reviews?
especially when they're from people that aren't... well... me. haha. =)
yay for a chapter... some bits didn't really seem to make sense though? like the bit about where he says that his name is jake... it didn't make sense...
don't you just love getting reviews?
especially when they're from people that aren't... well... me. haha. =)
yay for a chapter... some bits didn't really seem to make sense though? like the bit about where he says that his name is jake... it didn't make sense...
8/25/2005 c2 ickynicky
Hey Rach!
I like the letters format, very original! Are we gonna get to see another pov like we discussed?
One thing, maybe you could have introduced the characters more gradually, rather than in one set paragraph? Like as they became more relevant to the story?
Also, the parents interest me? Any problems there that we could find out about, you know to help us understand the mainn characters personality, decisions etc? Haha or am i just reading too much into that?
Anyways keep up the good work x
Hey Rach!
I like the letters format, very original! Are we gonna get to see another pov like we discussed?
One thing, maybe you could have introduced the characters more gradually, rather than in one set paragraph? Like as they became more relevant to the story?
Also, the parents interest me? Any problems there that we could find out about, you know to help us understand the mainn characters personality, decisions etc? Haha or am i just reading too much into that?
Anyways keep up the good work x
8/25/2005 c2
no finish the other one! it was good! =)
anywayz, nice chap. like the letters. they're cool. =) tis all good.
herm... nice intros and stuff of all the characters... =)
yupyup. update! =)

no finish the other one! it was good! =)
anywayz, nice chap. like the letters. they're cool. =) tis all good.
herm... nice intros and stuff of all the characters... =)
yupyup. update! =)
8/24/2005 c1
This is good, hey I know how it is to be the girl that is just a friend. I actually had two best friends a guy and a girl who were dating. I had always had a crush on the guy, but what do you do in a situation like that, but back off and just be friends. Anyways I like this and hope you continue.

This is good, hey I know how it is to be the girl that is just a friend. I actually had two best friends a guy and a girl who were dating. I had always had a crush on the guy, but what do you do in a situation like that, but back off and just be friends. Anyways I like this and hope you continue.
8/24/2005 c1 bec
rach that was really good! i want to read more! more i tell u! hurry up and finish it for me please!
is it sort of like that story by gurl with chelsea and tyler...i liked that story too!
keep on writing! writing stories reminds me of all those times when we were young and the three of us just used to write stories and pretend we were authors and living in this house together...oh they were the days =) love u!
rach that was really good! i want to read more! more i tell u! hurry up and finish it for me please!
is it sort of like that story by gurl with chelsea and tyler...i liked that story too!
keep on writing! writing stories reminds me of all those times when we were young and the three of us just used to write stories and pretend we were authors and living in this house together...oh they were the days =) love u!
8/24/2005 c1
16Theory Of The 4th Dimension
Hm...i feel that the momentum in this story is going to proceed to jealousy from this point. Very creative of ya to use letter forms, but it kinda gave a painful hanging ending. What happened after? I hope this is onyl the first chapter.

Hm...i feel that the momentum in this story is going to proceed to jealousy from this point. Very creative of ya to use letter forms, but it kinda gave a painful hanging ending. What happened after? I hope this is onyl the first chapter.