Just In
for My Thoughts on Homosexuality and Gay Marriage

1/24/2009 c1 John Stein
Wow. A few years on and you realize how much things can change. I've been away so long I've forgotten my own password. But still, my views have changed really radically from when I wrote this. (To anyone who cares)
10/1/2007 c1 Cobster
Nice job, Bill. Passionate and eloquent as always.
2/11/2007 c1 131theory of black
Haha... First of all, I don't know what I just read, so I'm just going to comment on your writing style mostly (besides, I already have my own opinions on this matter so it really doesn't matter if I share them or not).

I love how you make fun of IM slang (at least I think you do it on purpose) with the whole "!11!" and on one review that I saw you left somewhere else was "!1one11" which is totally hilarious in itself.

And I also love how you make those sarcastic remarks about your writing while you're writing it. However, the downside of doing that is, even though I'm sure you actually have an intelligent opinion about the whole matter, it is somewhat hard for people to take you seriously. (But I'm not sure if that's even your goal or not).

P.S. I loved the disclaimer.
8/4/2006 c1 Nothing Profound
I don't like to be rude to people I do not even know, but, frankly, you just piss me off. How is it that a person can write with such intelligence yet act fantastically ignorant and shortsighted? You challenged me once before about separation of church and state and I did prove you wrong. I should think that after that you might pay attention to what you read a bit more, but apparently not. Perhaps had you bothered to look more closely at the essays I posted, you might notice something: The second was written by someone else as a rebuttal to the first essay I wrote. Therefore, I do NOT present myself as an "active atheist." That is the view of the second writer. And as far as my conclusion that a god does not exist? That, dear, is what we call opinion. Not fact. Mere opinion. Never once did I suggest that I could prove there is no god, and believe me, I know that I cannot, so please do not put words in my mouth. I really do like most of what you have posted here, and I am sorry to use this review as communication, but, as I said before, you have no email address available. If you've other qualms you would like to discuss, please feel free to email me.
7/25/2006 c1 5Joseph Mises
Hey, this is reall good. I agree with your views as well.
7/5/2006 c1 17Lil Shi
Hehe. This is completely hilarious! I'm sorry that you didn't like my poetry (though I am quite new at writing it)but I most certainly did like this piece that you have done. It's most hilarious and I think I may go on to read more of your writing.
6/26/2006 c1 7dreamerdoll
I just wanted to thank you for sharing your thoughts on my essay, truthfully. Everyone thought it would offend me, but you were just stating your opinions as I was mine, and truthfully, I appreciated yours more than any other of the more critical reviews I recieved, as you stated your reasoning behind your opinions. If someone is just flaming something for no reason, or not giving a reason behind something they said, it bothers me. However, I appreciated the way you explained all of your opinions.

I expected a lot of insults on this, and respect the fact that you stood behind your beliefs and gave valid points where you very easily could have just said "this sucks", and complained to fictionpress.com. Thanks. dreamerdoll
6/15/2006 c1 26Meio
Okay. I am very confused, this essay seems to be very disjointed. Nice points, but the writing comes across as muddled.
3/26/2006 c1 8Alice Winterose
... I think you need to stop while you are ahead. I happen to be PAGAN Republican.
3/23/2006 c1 1I Am Vaguely Amused
I like it. It's funny. And who cares if it's subtle. "But what do they know, right?" You might notice I'm Republican and Christian. And this is hilarious. And really good.

I like how "ellen's alter ego" spelled sentence wrong while criticizing your own grammar. How terribly astute of her.
3/11/2006 c1 Jauvas
you are sad and pathetic you think you know rvery thing alas you do not this is poorly done stop posting on FP and join FOX news or the K (douth horrid things) there preitty much the same thing
2/26/2006 c1 hey maria
Uh, wow. I'm surprised so many people failed to realize this was meant to be a parody. Hence the category: Parody.

Anyway, I think this was a very poorly-written satire. Like one reviewer has already said, satire is best when it's subtle.
2/11/2006 c1 23Nothing Profound
THANK you! I am so sick of the lack of separation of church and state in this country. Have any of those politicians noticed that a large part of what our country was founded on is religious tolerance? And that it therefore means that no one religion is to be recognized above any other? And that, therefore, Mr. Dubya's reasons for a constitutional ban are illegit? Okay. I am now getting off of my soap box for a minute. Lovely job, I completely agree with you. People really need to stop making such things into a fad. Like those Livestrong bracelets. How many people actually know what they stand for, I wonder. But anyway, again, I digress. I fully support your views. Nicely done. Carrots.

2/6/2006 c1 Theatre des Vampires
I thought you were conservative christain when i read your reviews of T-Hutch's An Agnostic View. I was wrong. Your just odd...

Didn't you say you were christain when reviewing him?

At least hinted it?

Well, i'm tired, and although you are undeniably strange, i can't bring myself to hate you like i do SilentBlueRose or whtaever, who's review was far more annoying.

When he says "...and no promised second coming.." he means the promised 'second coming' (higlighted in Revelations), still hasn't come.
1/23/2006 c1 9ellen's alter ego
If you're going to write, do it well, please. How about some transitions and sentance structure, eh? Would it hurt?
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