Just In
for Rape

10/28/2005 c1 Emily
you have an incredible way of approaching importaint cultural issues. your views just make so much sense. this really made me think about rape in ways i'd never even considered. of course the thought of it appauls me, but i still don't think it should be kept hush-hush in our society. its an issue, its not a secret. we all know it happens, but we don't get off our asses show compassion towards victims.
9/28/2005 c1 38Cedar L. Arwood
I've thought of what I think you're talking about a lot...Like when did rape start, what the hell kind of problem does our society have to mould men who are twisted enough to do something like that and that we accept it as something normal. Interesting topic and its always good to hear guys talking about it, lots of boys I know just sort of laugh like its a big joke or something. Sorry..I know I hate when people review and just talk about something completely different. I love how your poem dissected and disassembled the word until it was just some transparant thing, then you put it back together and made it once more a harsh reality at the end.
9/5/2005 c1 55The Watched
Darkly emotional. And the repetition of the word "rape" is just...wow.
9/1/2005 c1 1Soreyn
Nice. Very deep.

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