Just In
for More Than Gold

2/9/2010 c3 Marissa Munro
I realize that you are a Christian and so am I. I am really glad to see someone of the Christian faith spreading the message of Jesus Christ through fiction. You are a good writer. w.acacia. is a website where an author puts up her novel length stories, type in Journey of the Heart in the search bar and you'll find it easily. Well done. Thank God for you.
9/13/2005 c3 MetroDweller
I clicked on this story because I saw figure skating mentioned, and I found all of what you said about skating surprisingly and refreshingly accurate. I was a competitive (singles) skater for some 15 years and rarely do I see stories that show it accurately, so I was wondering if you skated as well.
9/5/2005 c3 24i-believe-in-God
Oh, this was a good ending,even though it didn't end exactly how I wanted it to. What happened to Dan? Anyway, that was a beautiful story and I look forward to reading more from you.God BlessSarah
9/5/2005 c2 i-believe-in-God
Love how that ended. Very nice.I read a book with a Russian Alexei in it before. I haven't finished teh series yet.Anyway, I am beginning to like this Dan. He is very nice. Alexei is cool and charming and obviously nice, but he is TOO charming for me. Dan's like teh cool big brother type, but I think he and Leah (or Lee) would be awesome together. Now I really want to know where this is going! Especially with Olga and Leah's mother.
9/5/2005 c1 i-believe-in-God
I predict Dan and Leah are going to fall in love... but first Leah will think she's falling for that Russian guy. I think he moves too fast, personally. Dan and Leah have a good, strong friendship, and you know what they always say, love IS like a friendship. Anyway, I'll quit ramblign and tlel you waht an awesome story this is. I can tell you like figure skating? Right on. Keep writing!God BlessSarah

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