Just In
for Pool of Blood

10/1/2007 c1 24The FiboNACHI Sequence
I'm in a poetry mood and seeing as I like yours, I'm reading them all...

And this one sticks for me. I love the last stanza. It's... very powerful. The voice in the last two lines seems in denial and fearful.

Ok, that's all. Bad as it seems (because this is a very sad piece) this is one of my favourite poems from you. The entire idea of it...

Yeah, it's beautiful...

Thanks for your review of 'Worms'. As I said, I'm in a poetry mood.

Ciao Bella

3/11/2006 c1 18Music is my Muse
thanks for reviewing that poem of mine. I quite like this one. I dunno if it's the whole blood thing or the fact that I just like the angsty-ness of it. But either way, I like it.
12/12/2005 c1 CrazyTwist
That's weird. I like weird. Beautiful ending.
12/10/2005 c1 3DarkWonders
wow maggie this i spoem is good in a bad way but i like it.
10/10/2005 c1 67Helpless-Dreamer01
No you are alive and you are still with me. I won't let you die, i won't let you go. You are heere and there is nothing you can do about it my sister dear. so ner. I like the poem, hate the concept of it. Please no more, it's hurting me and it is hurting you. I cna see it.

Sister I say please don't once again. Dani
10/1/2005 c1 8Slowly Sinking
I love the rhythm and the ryhme scheme, they mingle with the words to creat a really creepy effect. Great piece, very powerful.

P.S. Thanks for the review!
10/1/2005 c1 Pure Autumn
wow *speechless* u blow me away with ur words
9/26/2005 c1 20Ode to Maddness
No F**ing coment
9/23/2005 c1 33Slightly Obsessive
Hey - it's ME! I thought i'd take a look at your newest poem and i really like it. It's well written and very symbolic.
9/22/2005 c1 858Anna178
"Wrapped in tenacious shadows" is a brilliantly line. 'tenacious' now thats not a word i read everyday. The wide range of vocabulary in this poem really keep the readers interest. The rhyme and flow are brilliant as well.

"Glistening with cold intent" is another really amazing line. This poem envokes alot of thought. Beautifully done.

9/22/2005 c1 31bjw
Whoa, this is another shell-shocking one. I could almost feel the sharp edges piercing my own skin... This is so gleefully sadistic. Especially the last line. That tinge of humour just brings it to a whole new level of darkness - lol this doesn't make much sense! You write really well, don't stop!

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