Just In
for Homophobia

10/28/2005 c1 Emily
i loved it. i really mean it. so many stories on fictionpress just kind of flaunt homosexuality like its a hook to get you to read their writing. but this was amazing. i love the power shown in the main character. homophobia is just ignorant. and ignorant people are the "scum of the planet" if i may quote you. keep writing!

9/29/2005 c1 8ValkyrieRavenfeather
Well-written. I totally understand. It's sad that there are social constraints that don't allow men to cry. It's wrong to raise the sexes diffrently, and people need to know it.
9/28/2005 c1 9Morbid Maxwell
Wow...great work! I have friends who are 'confused' on their sexuality (they're sort of experimenting you could say) and just because they are, some people automatically think their "queer" or "faggots"...I think that is ridiculous. If you have no relationship with them (family, friend, or otherwise), why should it matter the choice of their sexuality? Why should this character be gay because he was crying? You did an excellent job answering those questions. He's only human! Sensitivity is nothing to be ashamed of and I like how you've portrayed that emotion. WONDERFUL!

Morbid Maxwell
9/25/2005 c1 55The Watched
God, this was amazing. There's something that's very...true about it. I despise homophobia, in any form, and I can see exactly what you mean by this (or else I am creating my own meanings, but either way it means something to me...) I am sick and tired of fighting a losing battle against prejudice, sick and tired of going on another moral crusade that gets me nowhere except slightly more depressed...I'm sorry...feeling slightly down about all this already, due to having recently realised that a lot of things I took for granted (people are basically good, etc) aren't always true. I'll stop ranting now...Anyway, on a purely technical level, this was good; a few grammatical errors, but the pure power of the story carried it over, kept my attention, and meant that I had to read it again before picking the errors up...And maybe one day, the homophobic guy in this story will be as rare in real life as the hero of the story is at the moment, if that makes sense.

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