Just In
for Stand By Me

10/1/2005 c2 Inkless
Really like your story. I love the playful teasing going on between Ana and Andrew. Very nicely played. And I love Izzy's personality, it's the kind of person that would make anyone weary. Please update soon!
10/1/2005 c2 Emmi
o I like the story so far :D update soon! uh and a 5 star chef? heh anyways update soon! -Emmi
10/1/2005 c2 6Pigment of Your Imagination
aw..that's terribly good! :D So sorry, i didn't review the last chapter in time! I hope ya write soon!


P.S. 5 star chef? can i borrow him for thanksgiving? :P
10/1/2005 c1 17The Aphrodite Effect
ooh. . . me likey. please continueth!
9/30/2005 c1 1Simple.Miracles
Great start and I like the idea of the story a lot!
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