Just In
for All is Fair in Love and War

10/4/2005 c1 16oh.augustine
great start. baka-naka strikes again.
10/1/2005 c1 38TheLiving Dead123
Wow...good story. You have a very fluent way of conveying what you want. "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK" :) Hey it works. Reminded me a bit of Catcher in The Rye by J.D. Salinger, but it was certainly not a work of plagiarism. Update!
10/1/2005 c1 2Billthegeek
This is one of the best short story I've ever read here. Your writing style is amazing. I was totally engrossed despite the rather huge chunks of words per paragraph. Write more.
9/30/2005 c1 heystarshine
It definitely sounds interesting enough. I'd suggest upping the rating to around T though. With the language, K doesn't really fly all that well. Good start though and I'll check back for more.
9/30/2005 c1 14biminator
huh. well, I'm not sure about this yet, but I'll give you some time. update soon.

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