Just In
for Shattered Dreams

10/28/2005 c1 Emily
wow... great writing. i have to say... you've perfected the angsty-passionate tone that more writers should have. i have to admit, though.. i'm having problems figuring out if this is fiction, or one of your memoirs.
10/5/2005 c1 72itsonlyme07
This is so sad. Don't let it get you down though, like you said people should be more mature now. I am sixteen and I love to hear that a guy cares about me. It was just a bad experience and it shouldnt have interupted your life for that long. I am really sorry, I went out with a friend recently and I was so afraid that things would turn horrible between us if we broke up (which we recently did) but things are okay now. Sometimes fate just throws something sucky on you. Hope things turn out okay.

10/5/2005 c1 79Ashes.to.Acid
Why the hell would she be mad at you for helping? That's just...stupid. Extremely..stupid. I'm sorry to hear about your fears, but that girl..was stupid.
10/5/2005 c1 Please Deactivate
that is so sad...im sorry she was so immature towards your friendship and your feelings...i hope you have better luck later on

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