Just In
for Charms and Curses

3/8/2021 c1 Guest
I really hope you continue this story one day. It’s absolutely fantastic and was a complete joy to read :) it ended so abruptly that I feel like an addict jonesing for a fix XD
9/8/2019 c33 please
please continue such a great story or where can you again i hope youre still writing so excited to next what happened with rhian and shasta and dawn super crazy
12/17/2017 c1 Guest
Waiting for an update
9/4/2015 c9 Pie
Love the Monty Python reference~
7/19/2015 c13 Guest
I really want a Familiar like Nikko now :) Please update!
5/9/2015 c33 1willow's rain
I just found this story and I have to say that it is crazy... and AWESOME! I really hope you finish this story. I can't wait to find out what is going to happen. I wonder about the vanity that Dimitri gave Shasta. Is it the mirror relic? Please update this story :)
1/19/2015 c33 Hyaci
Looking forward to updates :3
10/14/2014 c33 Missing My Heart
Please update soon! I love this story!
9/22/2014 c33 Fan of Witches
NOOOOO! Please update! I love this story, and didn't pay attention to the updated date. Please update! I was about to cry when I read that Dawn really was a witch, and somehow Biko ended up as his familiar, I'm guessing? Please update this story!
7/17/2014 c12 5ramblingrobin
I love Picasso! Your descriptions in this chapter were great, very vivid.
7/15/2014 c7 ramblingrobin
This chapter made me squee. I love it.
7/15/2014 c5 ramblingrobin
I love Nikko! He's so cute! And I'm still dying for some smoochies between these boys.
7/14/2014 c4 ramblingrobin
Spooky stuff is fun. I want some kissy stuff soon.
7/14/2014 c3 ramblingrobin
Loved this chapter!
7/14/2014 c2 ramblingrobin
Oooh, I'm very interested in what's going on in this story. I like it.
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