Just In
for Charms and Curses

4/18/2011 c33 mmyself
I'm in love with all of your story's they are all awesome :)
4/5/2011 c33 Angelxoxo13
Would you kindly update this story? I like Rhian/Dawn for some reason, not Dawn/Shasta. Or I think its better if you take it down, edit it, make it perfect, though this one is great story, if you do that you might got your previous planned plots back plus you might could add a scene here and there. I/we wants to know what happened to those kids, or Dawn who might have becoming a witch or whatsnots, moreover he's like the main focus of this story, he got to be witch or having kick arse powers! What's about Karen her specialities? And Biko, is he Dawn's fimiliar? Got to be, right coz his previous master was not. What about Shasta triplets Nah Nah? I remember reading she'd winked to Dawn during Shasta bday. And Dawn's not crossdressing? You see, you got lot ideas to put in, there are ideas already in the previous chappies, you just got to Qs yourself and write in the ideas. I'm n0t forcing you, but I want to 'show' you the 'way' to finish the story. Put up a goal to w whom you want the story ending. Somehow I want to read Rhian/Dawn intimately 2gether. :)
4/3/2011 c33 mooncat1016
you haven't updated since '08? AH! you've got to continue! i MUST know what happens! i read the whole thing in five hours, and now it's a major cliffie. please, oh magnificent DarkLady, finish the tale!
3/27/2011 c33 9CemeteryLight
I think I might cry...

Biko FINALLY comes back and there's no more T_T

I really...really, really really love this story! (Toulouse and Nikko are my favs at the moment!)

I can't wait for an update! Thank you so much for writing this awesome story!
3/21/2011 c33 4Morgan Stepanov
Gah so cutee! OMG Biko is back! I KNEWZ IT!

I also knew Justinian was Chad! It kinda popped into my head 2 or 3 chapters before you revealed it _



2/27/2011 c33 Anatine
Well. I really, really like this story so far
2/19/2011 c33 2Krowhop
You last updated more than two years ago...and ... not finished? Oh god, please don't abandon this story! I have been reading it, and even recomending it to friends! I even was reading it on my kindle, in bed, cause I couldn't get enough! I love it so far, I really do! You can't just leave it here! Please? I'll link you to free anime... LOTS!
1/17/2011 c33 5lazydancer
I really do hope you update soon, I adore this story. It's so well written and just lovely. Gah, please update as soon as you can!
1/16/2011 c1 1PositivelyInsane
ok i now this probably gets annoying but would you please try and update this story? i really like it and you kept it at a major cliffie (evil)

btw i just realized something, karen likes elvis, and if i remember correctly so did diti's little brother rodya (is that the right bro?) so are they gonna get together?

btw update please
1/12/2011 c32 1sirkurtsie
Yeah umm you should really update this story... i love it so much... im like dying without knowing whats gonna happen... LET ME LIVE! loll but yeah hurry up... please! *makes super pouty face!
1/5/2011 c33 9XxShadowDancerxX
=( IT HAS BEEN FOREVER! This fact saddens me greatly, and I wish that you would update sometime or announce that it's abandoned or on hiatus or something! I've been waiting YEARS for the next chapter! I love this story so much and I've hoped for the next update for so long! Please message me back soon or even update, update would be preferred!
12/31/2010 c33 1sirkurtsie
OMG OMG OMg this story is so great i love it so much but you really should update its been over two years... please?
12/21/2010 c33 the-raven's-star



Pft clifhangers... the bane of my exstistance.

Is you're Dad the Devil?



Anywaays. I hope You have time to continue you're chapters really soon :]

have a Good Day

(Please dont take offense to this letter :])
12/20/2010 c33 1Hatake Kerrie
Holy guacamole, this is seriously the best story I've read on here. You HAVE to update, don't leave us hangin'! I love Shasta and Dawn and Nikko and Jazz and ... pretty much all the characters. :3

It's all really well written and you kept me intrigued through the whole story. I actually read it all in one day.
11/27/2010 c33 Dreamer caster
heyz this sotry is so totally awesome=D the first 10ish chapters i thought were a bit more romantic wise this is abit more action. i just thought i'd say what i thought=) by the way please finnish the story please please please=D i wanna know how it ends=D
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