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for Charms and Curses

6/5/2013 c33 Carolinel3
I kniw its been years. But please type!
4/5/2013 c1 BullOfBloodiedRoses
Update!I beg of you! ;o; I want to know what happens next.
3/27/2013 c33 1SmileyfaceGurl
no moe chappys...me sad...
3/26/2013 c14 SmileyfaceGurl
I had a feeling he was a mute. I mean why still other peoples voices if you have your own?
3/23/2013 c1 stormypeach1396
Wish you would keep writing, this is so good. I love how you connect everything.
3/17/2013 c33 Guest
This story is awesome! please continue it!
3/4/2013 c33 Guest
Please finish this sometime, it's such an incredible story. I hope you're ok by the way, sorry,
I should have asked that first. ... :) Please do finish it, or maybe just a very short summary of what happens next? Around a paragraph long, if you don't want to write it? Hoping that everyone comes out of this ok :)
2/27/2013 c24 twilightserius
aww damn wonder if dhasta n dimi get back together n leave chad/jstin with dawn. n e way read more laters
2/26/2013 c6 twilightserius
uh did he mean literally?
2/26/2013 c3 twilightserius
well there is one reason that rubber duckies are evil...they incite you to play
2/26/2013 c1 twilightserius
cool read more laters
2/6/2013 c33 1DeadlyKitten2021
O.O... OH...MY...FRICKEN...GOSH...LOVE THIS SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH lolz seriously i love this i need more like fricken YESTERDAY ;P
1/18/2013 c3 borderlinecrazy
The solution to the drying of one's hands if you want to do ceramics is Vaseline. Ironically, it's also good for the clay, as some of the greesy crap does get absorbed while handing it, and it does something to the bonds between the crystalline structure on a microscopic level. IE - like adding bone dust, it helps create high fire, low density ceramics: porcelain.

Vaseline is a miracle for a ceramic worker.
1/18/2013 c33 4R. Ficst
Despite feeling scattered at times, this story has swept me up, and yet again I must hope that you might return to it some day. Thank you for posting
1/17/2013 c4 R. Ficst
...might I ask what you wore to make yourself a Canadian ninja? I am intrigued
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