Just In
for Charms and Curses

1/14/2013 c13 Moonlilyprincess
Holy shit a brown haired grey eyed Elvis loving gymnast. The spell officially worked yay let them eat fucking cake to celebrate.
12/18/2012 c9 RoKKSiggy
Is that a Holy Grail quote I see?! I never thought I would see one of those here!
Great chapter, by the way! I'm excited to see how you furthered this story (:

12/17/2012 c33 2Erstel 908iu
Why did you just stop writting?
12/17/2012 c32 Erstel 908iu
11/22/2012 c33 12Biennia Baron
Is this ever going to be continued? It is really good and this is a really bad cliffhanger. -_-
10/18/2012 c9 1Mcgde
Ah Monty Python :) I think I love you!
10/17/2012 c6 Mcgde
I'm imagining somewhat of an Irish accent...
10/17/2012 c5 Mcgde
Aw v Nikko's so cute :)
10/17/2012 c4 Mcgde
Phantom of the opera is amazing! :D Masquerade is my favorite song from it :)
10/17/2012 c3 Mcgde
Love Bruce Springsteen :)
10/17/2012 c2 Mcgde
So cute cute cute v
10/17/2012 c1 Mcgde
This is so sweet :) love it!
10/10/2012 c27 Lover Girl
I had to faceplam so many times that my head hurts now but once again faceplam (x3)
10/10/2012 c25 Lover Girl
I'm speek do like american writing.
10/9/2012 c19 Lover Girl
Why the time wrap i mean love rocky horro show but of all the things... Meet me at Mary's Place
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