Just In
for Charms and Curses

10/14/2005 c2 3Sh'arra Rie
This is deffenitly getting interesting. I am loving your writing stile and the discription you put into your writing. That Room! What I would give... *stares of into space* ... *shakes head vilently* Ok, I'm back. Please update soon.
10/10/2005 c1 25Esquirella
I ... want ... MORE! I must have more! This is great!
10/10/2005 c1 LooseNativeMoose
ooh, what a perfect ending line for that first chapter! Can't wait for more
10/9/2005 c1 Lucifer's Sonata
wonderful start! i can't wait to meet the cat ^^;; i have a calico cat lol anyways, cute premis please update soon !
10/8/2005 c1 3Sh'arra Rie
Wow! This is realy good and well writen. I like the langth of the chapter and I hope that you will update soon.
10/8/2005 c1 Cherise
So I'm going to asume that Shasta is Dawn's wish. When will he ever be able to see his eyes, though? If he really DOES have that eye condition. Dum, dum, dum. Guess I'll have to wait and see.
10/8/2005 c1 47Tate Soyker
I love the humor and magic. Keep up the great work, as always I look forward to reading more!
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