Just In
for Second Chance

10/19/2005 c1 15Infinite Eternity
Heya Twane

I really like this poem.. it was put nicely and I understand the way u feel..

Some times whne people are given a second chance, they throw it away and once its lost.. they try reach out for it again


From Kataana
10/18/2005 c1 piratelover
i loved it! i was just a little confused if it was a love story, or just a friend?
10/18/2005 c1 4Karma.Rose
This poem left me with an open jaw. Loved it, and the content was graceful and very true, Im sure many people will enjoy it!

10/18/2005 c1 11les petits bateaux
It's very warm that you have written that hope in this poem perfectly. I like the determination but the descriptions of the both sides of days are simply spectacular. Good job.


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