Just In
for Protect Me From What I Want

2/5/2006 c4 7Queai Kumosse
Yay you updated! ^^ I've been really wanting an update for your story soon. And I randomly just checked me email and there it was, woo! Nice chapter, I must say. It's so cute! Mary-Alice's breakdown was so typical... Hehe. And I liked the way you had Gabriel find out about it. Ah, greatness, greatness.

:D Anyway, this story's still really good! Your characters are all so strong and so likeable, zomg! ^^ Oh, and I'll read over your past chapters and this one again and when you update next tell you if there's anything left to be corrected. :3 Update soon!
11/7/2005 c3 v
i really enjoyed the story! keep on updating!
11/7/2005 c3 Queai Kumosse
Teeheeheehee... hee... HE. *ahem* This chapter was so efing cute. I like how Silence is slowly starting to warm up to Gabriel. It's more realistic that way. I also love Gabrile's protection of her. It's so cute and and and... *ahem* Now I'm rambling. But Silence has a very real character, who's funny and easy to like. ^_^ I think the way you've portrayed her has really made this story that much more interesting and welcoming to readers.

Okay with your questions... lalala... Maybe you should throw in a romance rival for Gabriel. D D Well... That might be a little cliche.. Hmm. And it would be nice for Silence and her grandparents to get along after a while. ^_^ And also sure for the romantic interlude...

But my biggest suggestion for you now is... Kep writing! *waits patiently for the next chapter* Oh, and I love the length of these. ^_^
11/7/2005 c2 Queai Kumosse
Yay! I got thanked! *sparkle, sparkle, heartheart* Anyway, first one thing I wanted to tell you... I've noticed this a lot.

“Bad day.” I murmured, stretching out next to him on the bed, and cuddling up to his warm little body.

The period after the word day should be a comma. ^^ That's all I've really noticed!

This story is still really good... Usually the second chapter is hard to write because you want to make it as good as the first. I like the budding romance between Silence and Gabriel... That was sweet of him to get her a cell phone. And well, with that being said, I'm gonna go run off to read chapter thre!
11/7/2005 c3 8sealednectar
Wow! I really like this. A lot. Please update soon. Your characters are very real. I think there should be more of Paul in the story and maybe a bit more of Lacey. I think Silence's mum and her grandparents should resolve some things, and I for one think Silence and her grandparents should get along at least a little bit by the end!:) Please don't take this story down! (I like the name Silence; very unique). Update soon plz!
10/20/2005 c1 7Queai Kumosse
Wow, this story is EXTREMELY good! I really mean it. I was just looking for something to read for school, not thinking I'd find anything good, and boy was I surprised when I saw this! Your beginning really grabbed me in. I like Silence a lot - her name too! - and she reminds me much of le moi. Your descriptions are great! Not overly done (like I do) or omitted (...also like I do) but there's enough there to give the reader a good vision of the character. I can sense a budding relationship between Gabriel and Silence. :D I also like how she's not telling anyone what's going on. I do that as well! I can relate to this a lot, despite the fact that my brother isn't dying... Update this soon, because I really wanna read more! ^_^
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