Just In
for Protect Me From What I Want

10/30/2006 c3 outsomniac
love this.
10/9/2006 c15 Iamthebomb
damn i hate ur ending! i wated them tobe together:'( SEQUEL PLEASE! maybe of them reuniting? ehehehe and finiding out he has a fiancee or sumthing that wuld b wicked UR STORY WAS AWESOME! its so sad wen the brother died ah i almost cried and i liked the maid part at the beginning i think silence and gabriel's bro... wuld have been awesome together i was kinda rooting for them neway! nice nice fic btw wat dus the title mean? protect me... LOLluv ur writing tons! more in da future please:)
8/18/2006 c1 3purple sea
6/15/2006 c15 2EnchantedKorean
i'll be waiting for the sequel...you have to get them together! ah! lol...good story
6/9/2006 c14 aim-snap-fall
omg! i hate silence!

shes so effing stupid!

gr ! hahahbut madd story dude!
5/21/2006 c15 2ingeniously crunchy
wonderful story! i hope they will be together at the end of the sequel!
5/12/2006 c15 jfdksl
why do you make your stories so depressing? seriously. i really liked your story in the beginning, but why do you make Silence SO kept to herslef? why cant you write a normal romance and make everyone happy? seriously. you have people problems
5/11/2006 c15 icedfaerie
Aw that was soo sad!
5/10/2006 c15 A.C.Oasis
that was...brilliant.
5/9/2006 c4 1A. C. Oasis
I don't even want to review this because i don't feel that any two line thing i could hastily type would do this beautiful story justice. I'm hoping to finish reading it soon. ^_^
5/3/2006 c15 katrinaaaaaaa91
i reckon the sstory was good but the ending was crap
4/28/2006 c15 1victim of reality88
Omg! Wow! i just read that all the way through and wow. lol. It took a while, not that im complaining, it was one of the best written stories i have read on here. The plot was perfectly woven and everything matched up perfectly. It made me both laugh and cry at times, and that is a true accomplishment. I can't believe you just ended it there, i was about to punch the computer screen, lol, but then i read that you planned to do a sequel, and i am going to go check for that now.

But well done on a great story, it's definitely going on my favourites list. BYE
4/26/2006 c1 miss L
Protect me from what I want=Protèges moi de ce que je veux

I'm french so if i can help :d
4/24/2006 c14 tori
i think i'm going to kill Silence...KILL her.

Amazing story by the way, but i'm seriously none too pleased with her at the moment.
4/23/2006 c15 Ms.Romantic
This is amazing!
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