Just In
for When Wars Occure

6/28/2006 c1 6Jodirium
Sorry it took me so long to review, considering how long I read this ago... o.o;; That didn't make much sense, but- I really liked this poem, it's short, and sweet. The theme of it is very interesting, fitting, and thoughtful as well. Good job.

- Signed as J.
4/27/2006 c1 3unsorted-rain
wow...I loved it...it was short but really intersting...are you ever going to add more?
3/4/2006 c1 Milo Leorn
wow, that's really good. I like it a lot! You have a talent, and like i said in my other review, you remind me a lot of my friend, Octello. Oh, guess what! I expanded my story, Desperate struggles. If you want to check it out, you can, since you reviewed for the first chapter. Thanks for the review, by the way! Oh, you have such a talent, really! I like your style. Jade
2/15/2006 c1 6Broken Telephone
Aww i like this! it's true, when you lose hope, you lose everything and war doesn't exactly help a person gain much of anything. Great job!
11/25/2005 c1 38Tobino
this reminds me of a song by billy joel called goodbye saigon
11/20/2005 c1 40Romanze
wow, this is really deep! it's so insightful! keep up the good work! thanx for the review(her name's amelia) lol, yeah, this is awsome!
10/24/2005 c1 onewingedcrimson
I think that it would have sounded better if you has let it go on longer. The ending was a little stupid. But I liked the beginning ^_^
10/23/2005 c1 4RomanceBabe
o, wowzee wow wow! i wish i could write poetry like that! i can only write on egood poem every...6 months. lol, keep up the great work! (oh, and by the way, i updated never alone, sorry i took so long, lol)

10/22/2005 c1 1k+Faithless Juliet
Powerful and passionate, I loved the meaning and tone that you took on in this. Keep up the good work.

Much love,Juliet.

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