Just In
for You were evil at 8, you still are!

12/29/2005 c1 6Emotionlessxix
Hey, thanks for reviewing my one-shot "If Only" btw.

Anyway, I really liked this one! Rant or not, I can TOTALLY relate to it! There was this girl like that in our school...lol. Anyway as always, I shook her off at last! Anyway, great story! I really love the way it was written!
12/6/2005 c1 11daisy wings
That's so sad..:(

-daisy wings
11/11/2005 c1 203Shades Of Autumn
Ahh...wonderful. You write very well, the flow of the piece is nicely managed. You might call it a rant but I think it's something much more. And yes that girl was a total bitch. Well done for getting rid of her. And thanks for the review!
10/24/2005 c1 lostgirluk
sorry i cant be bother to sign in, but well done for getting this off your chest, i have never been bullied by someone my own age, or anywhere near that so i have only a small idea what its like. well written and good use of language to portray the anger.
10/24/2005 c1 1jasilcock
Ah, doesn't everyone feel like this occasionally? :)

Well it's good you got this off your chest, Melinda sounds like a complete bitch...but this isn't a Live Journal so I'll leave that out.

Anyway, even though this is a rant it's a very well-written one! You've really invoked a reaction from the reader, well done. It's good that something positive has come out of her bullying :) Keep rantin'.

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