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for Beta: Two dollars

11/1/2007 c1 deleteaccount89
Dude you suck! I've always noticed how pathetic those poor fishy are...makes you want to drown them. :D I love these haiku/haiku on top of each other. Kinda like the beta stacked on each other.
1/24/2006 c1 angie3838
Aww that is so sad. Those fish always make me want to take them home with me.

The last line is really vague and doesn't really leave the reader with much emotion; I would try maybe focusing on the tight quarters they're kept in, and how he's one dead in a few living.

Also: I did indeed send a draft of the letter to Mr. Bradbury, and he sent me a letter back. As I'm aware, he dictates the responses to letter over the phone to his daughter, who types them up. I highly suggest shooting him a line; I think a lot of people think that he's already dead.
11/6/2005 c1 3Quiet Shadow
I love bettas! Aww, that is so sad. I have seen bettas like that at petstores like that... Thanks for the poem!

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