Just In
for Portare che lei vuole

7/19/2007 c12 rosalinda
um..i'm confused..isn't one of ur chapters from Tagged..or maybe my computers messed up. But, check it out ..i t could be a mix up. ANYWAY this story so far is AMAZING! Keep at it!
1/28/2007 c11 25tornangelwings
why did you end it?*cries, and wails and covers face with hands* i wanted ot read more, come on update please please
3/26/2006 c11 8brittle.star
do a lil dance, make a lil... GET DOWN TONIGHT ,uhuh, get down to night...u mightwantto know that right now im doing a hip thrust *thrusts hip* UPDATE SON babe :)
3/25/2006 c11 7BITT3RSW33T
hm...Well just to let you know, I REALLY suck at these rating things, but I like Antonio because wel he's hawt! And Blake doesn't have much of a personality yet and Kirsten, man, he's just a jerk! What IS his problem!
3/25/2006 c11 4TaurusGirl7
update soon!
3/1/2006 c10 7BITT3RSW33T
OH MI GOODY GOODY GOSH GOSH NESS! I think my eyes r gonna pop out from reading ten chapters at once...ah but itz really good! but, what language is most of your story in? like your tittle 4 example? N, btw, there were a LOT of typos and stuff, and i know you r from the uk n everything, but if u want, I'd be your editor:D because i REALLY love your story and everything! Update soon!:D
2/15/2006 c10 4TaurusGirl7
update soon!
1/18/2006 c9 TaurusGirl7
update soon
1/17/2006 c9 7Cleopatra IV
Wow... she definately doesn't have great friends at all. I can't wait to read the next chapter... update soon!
12/26/2005 c7 4TaurusGirl7
upddate soon!
12/14/2005 c5 TaurusGirl7
um intersting... cant exactly say i liked this chapter... but w/e

update soon
12/11/2005 c5 Xania
I like your story, but SPELL CHECK please! It ruins the enjoyment of the story when you can't even understand what's being said.
12/3/2005 c3 TaurusGirl7
hah update soon :P
12/2/2005 c3 10Crecy
I really like it so far. PLEASE update soon!
11/28/2005 c2 4TaurusGirl7
update soon!
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