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for Letters from a toothpick fiend

6/26/2015 c13 Guest
ugh. I'm going for Lucas. I don't like Daniel.

Yes, I'm biased.

11/16/2013 c36 2BurstofPassion
Whatever happened to updating soon?
2/18/2013 c36 8maiff
Huhuhu why are you so awesome, Plinky? Even though the last chapter was a little heartbreaking, huhuhu your story is so good. Hope you update soon. Sorry for the crappy review. My appreciation is far from crap, really.
1/9/2013 c6 5morie-yama
I had to go back and look at the publishing date...groovy? Really? Sweet baby jesus. xD
12/18/2012 c36 Still Team Lucas
Ok, I know you won't see this but ... PLEASE UPDATE! :)

I love this story! It amazing :)
Thanks for the great read.. I just spent the past few hours reading this!
12/18/2012 c12 TEAM LUCAS
Lucas seems so nice :)
Daniel seems sweet too but I want Sophia to be with Lucas even though they've never met..
But hopefully they will soon! haha :)
12/18/2012 c4 Aww
Lucas seems really sweet! :)
12/18/2012 c3 I LOVE THIS
Okay, I just read the first 3 chapters and thought I'd review..

I love the arguments she has with her mind!
Lol at the deep-fried rocket lollies recipe :)

Great story! :)
6/29/2012 c36 1Spiked Angel
I was in a pretty messed up morbid place when I was surfing fp for a way to just get out of my head. And this story seemed almost dark, like a troubled girl sent out deep confuzzabibbling thoughts. It was not at all what I expected and exactly what I needed. It cheered me up so much, gave me that elusive bubbly feeling. You know the one I'm talking about, when you read a fantabuloso romance? It was so original, so perfect, so... words don't cover it. Everything was so random in a way that it wasn't trying so hard. Something like this could have been done so badly, so wannabe-crazy, but this was so completely genuine. I'm in love with Phee and Luke. Do you think they'd allow a third person in their relationship? Because seriously...
Okay, reading this story has made me crazier.
It's a good thing.
2/4/2012 c36 DA-chen1
Very sad, you never updated your last chapters!

I really like your story.. you have an unique humour and a lot of understanding about life and love in your writing :-)

I really enjoyed it! Keep going on with your stories and all, you shared a lot with your reader and as a reader I want to END it... after all, you can't keep it open like THAT!

2/1/2012 c28 DA-chen1
Full of cornflakes! Really?

Hilarious! I love your story :-)

1/30/2012 c23 DA-chen1
Really nice chapter - I had to laugh so HARD!

1/30/2012 c20 DA-chen1
Well, how sad that my birthday is on the 27th of November.. ^^

But really sweet chap.

1/30/2012 c9 DA-chen1
Really funny!

5/7/2011 c7 16non.graceful
I gave up. As a fellow deciple of awesomeness, I'm sorry. It was far too awesome and random for my mind to work with.
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