Just In
for Warped

12/18/2005 c1 5RedHairedWriter
a different view well written but rather emtionless. I think you wrote it extremly well.
11/30/2005 c1 115HauntedMisery
wow, this is amazing too! You are a great author! Keep up the good work :-)
11/28/2005 c1 17Yokotaashi
huh...wow, crazy story, well written tho I must say...a different perspective!
11/22/2005 c1 1Felicity Rose
Kara, this is like nothing I had ever read before! 'Tis a perfect example of not knowing reality from fantasy - wanting something some much that acceptimg the truth is simply not an option... but to take it to that extent? Oh my!
11/10/2005 c1 Crossing the Rubicon
I think that this is great, hun. Very interesting indeed...

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