11/12/2005 c1 8yuki kawaii
aww. that's s0 sad. actually, i kn0w h0w y0u feel. well, kinda. but my friends seem t0 understand my sentiments. it's n0t ab0ut my b0dy; i'm s0rt 0f in demand because 0f s0mething else. s0metimes th0ugh, i feel t00 tired ab0ut it, and pe0ple can't figure 0ut why i'm c0mplaining whilst they think i'm th0r0ughly lucky. well i am, but n0t always happy.
hmm, s0rry f0r spilling. just keep writing and God bless y0u. y0u'll make it thr0ugh. i kn0w y0u will. f0r God will naver f0rsake y0u. ü
~ yuki ü ~
aww. that's s0 sad. actually, i kn0w h0w y0u feel. well, kinda. but my friends seem t0 understand my sentiments. it's n0t ab0ut my b0dy; i'm s0rt 0f in demand because 0f s0mething else. s0metimes th0ugh, i feel t00 tired ab0ut it, and pe0ple can't figure 0ut why i'm c0mplaining whilst they think i'm th0r0ughly lucky. well i am, but n0t always happy.
hmm, s0rry f0r spilling. just keep writing and God bless y0u. y0u'll make it thr0ugh. i kn0w y0u will. f0r God will naver f0rsake y0u. ü
~ yuki ü ~