Just In
for Love Not Even The Heart Understands

12/17/2005 c4 3JuztCan.tCarryOn
I told u my fave prts over AIM so u kno...but i dont think i told u about the Frank and Lily...that must have been hilarious if it were in a movie to make of ur story...nd no, this is confusing, nd improper but wutev...uhh yer...update soon...i think dats all...byez cuzzi...lol
12/13/2005 c4 annie
LOL, I love this chapter. Can't wait for the next chapter to be up.

12/8/2005 c3 7Juniper Nights
lol interesting...good start
12/2/2005 c3 3miss-blackhair
LOL. my name's not really alyssa. its juz my pen name. =)

nice chapter. sorry for reviewing so late. oh well, keep it up. update soon!
11/25/2005 c3 3JuztCan.tCarryOn
Heyy Lyssa! I finally read your thingy for you. Yay, they kissed! Lol sorry... You better finish the next one soon, I know you're working on it! Lol, sorry again. I have noticed mistakes again. Be more careful with those. And also, this is going to be weird coming from me, but, make them longer dufus! Lol. Okay, that's all. Bye! Write more soon! I now where you live...Lol. Sorry, for the infinity-eth time. Lol. Okay, I'll just go now.
11/24/2005 c3 13moon-girl1
Great story! I can't wait to read more! I wonder if Nick only kissed her to get her to stop being afraid or if there was something more to it.. Please update soon :)
11/24/2005 c3 alyssa
haha alyssa's are taking over the world! ok moving on.. this chapter was soo good. YAY A KISS! we need more of those lol. UPDATE SOON!
11/23/2005 c3 1kalicokitty15
11/19/2005 c2 3JuztCan.tCarryOn
Heyy Alyss. It was cool. Check for typos next time, I caught a few. You better review my story when it's up too now though, got it? Aight, lol, bye. Update soon woman!
11/17/2005 c2 7awaitinglove
haha i love it. Nick seems great...kinda :P I can't wait until the next review!

Oh and thanks, the next chapter should be out soon, maybe this weekend or early next week.
11/17/2005 c2 3miss-blackhair
i LOVE the plot! your style of writing simply rawks. very cool story. i like the characters. good job. hope to hear from you soon! =)
11/16/2005 c2 alyssa
11/12/2005 c1 1218
11/12/2005 c1 7awaitinglove
I like this story and i think it can be something great.

Nick seems hot so it will be interesting. lol

Please keep going!

Oh and check out some of my stories :D
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