Just In
for Rotation: for my punk coconut tree

4/19/2008 c1 27Icy Angel Mei-Chan
Personification: Time slashed your hair, poor coconut tree.

Reality: The only leaf has withered...:'( sad news...X( It's bald now! :'(
1/28/2006 c1 41ConcealedWay
Wow. I don't have anything to say than just that - wow! I am adding this to my favourites.

11/17/2005 c1 91fake-smiles-n-masks
that was awesome. we talked about these types of poems in my Old Testemant class: Alphabetized Peoms. One of the minor prophets would write these poems on one topic, but he would write it 3 times useing different words each time. Man that must have been hard. Anyway, i absolutly loved your peom. It was awesome. and thanks for the review on Back and Forth. I appreciate. Rock On Writers!

=) bri

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