Just In
for Twilight Sets

12/3/2005 c2 22All The Three Queens
And suddenly, it all seems so familiar. I do remember this one from before. Dude, I wanna marry a prince!
12/3/2005 c2 2Callie Rose
With any story its hard to avoid cliches. So much has been written by now that it all has almost all been done. But I personally like things that start out as a cliche and then take a twist and lose the cliche. I'm just fine with cliches. Which is why I'm liking this story so much.

Now to contradict myself. I don't think the way Christian acts is cliched. I think he's very unique. And that he's the second son and not the first makes a huge difference as well. I like the relationship between him and Lena. It's cute, especially that last lines:

“Because I’m the prince. I can do whatever the hell I want.”

Lena grinned at him. “Except break the rules.”

“We’re breaking the rules right now.”

“Oh, I know.” Lena kissed him again. “And it’s wonderful.”

They're so cute. I like them bunches. I can't wait to find out what happens. And that prologue was intriuging, I read it last week but my computer was having problems and I couldn't review. I like this story a lot, its very different from your past ones. I read the whole thing of 'A Perfect Game' and adored that, but I think I like this one better.

Good work. I can't wait for more. FictionPress has been so quiet lately.

12/1/2005 c1 22All The Three Queens
Oh, the drama! I like it.
11/27/2005 c1 BKGal
Cool V! I'm stoked you're trying something different. Totally draws the reader in and you made me want to finish Covet...but I can't I can't...maybe I'll have some spare moments over winter break, but I wanted to get a head start on studying Physiology. Shame on you for distracting me!
11/24/2005 c1 Midnightmystery2
Very good start. Just to clarify, in the sentence 'With noticing the begging flash through the man’s eyes, Christian pushed the sword harder against the flesh of his neck.', did you mean to say "without" instead of "with"? Maybe I'm just reading the sentence incorrectly.
11/24/2005 c1 Guest
Ooh, seems very interesting. I already want to know more and who and why; can't wait for more!
11/23/2005 c1 1Aquarius21
AIE! It was wonderfully written, though a bit short... Great job and I like where its going. Definitely different from your other stories. Happy Thanksgiving and take care.
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