Just In
for Shadows on Lonely Paths

1/6/2006 c1 39Alisha Marie
Nice imagery. Great job.
12/10/2005 c1 17sunday night sky
gorgeous imagery, and lovely rhyme. nice work :D
12/8/2005 c1 5RedHairedWriter
"Crystal tears fall as rainBlackness rises with pain"And"Fading into blackStaring into shadows"I like the most; I know I should look at the poem as a whole... And as a whole it's excellent.
12/3/2005 c1 30candyaddict
wow, I adore your imagery. Your rhyming is great too. This sounds gothic and angsty to me, but I like it anyway. I especially like the colours you use, if that sounds right. like dapple. I have no idea why, but colours that don't use the usual words you use to describe them really strike me.
12/1/2005 c1 111Crimson-Fantasy
i like the mesures you used in this poem it has beautiful lyrical value as well as a strongly expressed range of emmotion.
12/1/2005 c1 229TheBrokenWanderer
that was so vivid...I loved it...it gave me a little shiver...

11/30/2005 c1 858Anna178
I really think you ended this well with the final line. It simply seems to wrap it all up, which is something I really like in a poem, I hate to be left hanging...of course theres a way to do that well to, lol. Anyway, brilliant poem.

11/28/2005 c1 47Cornelia Poe Ittree
partial darkness obscured with the light of reality. i can relate.
11/27/2005 c1 19Pink Sparrow
Wow, I love this. Love the rhyming and just everything. Especcially love the second stanza. Nice work!
11/27/2005 c1 80Loosing My Reality
WOW - this is really, really good. tis sad as well.
11/27/2005 c1 124in theory
Hehe I read your bio, it was fun. This has a great style, and a steady/smooth rhythm that's so easy to read. I like a lot.
11/27/2005 c1 1Changethesubject
ohh i love the way you write. you capture such emotion and...expressions in your writing. i adore it. its going on my favourites list.
11/23/2005 c1 32Saber of shadow
Nice and ahem...'dark' poem. I like the rhyming words especially
11/23/2005 c1 157darkmistresslae
Oh. I like it. The imagery was good... same with the feeling. The emotion and everything was all there. One thing struck me as odd though... and I dont know if you meant to do it or not... the first stanza had an A rhyming scheme, where the others all had an ABCB scheme. I like the poem the way it is... I just though I'd point that out to you **in case** you wanted to change it. Nice poem!
11/23/2005 c1 47Kenishiro
I like it, you capture the feeling of sadness, sorrow, and loneliness well. Keep up the good work!
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