Just In
for Faceless

7/14/2006 c1 21001lie
this poem is great, sad, but great.u have a knack for poems dont you dearest head? :)
12/2/2005 c1 39SliversofSilverPain
NICE! love the ending of this! it's amaing; well done indeed *silver tears stream down my cheeks* well done *bows* you are truly a poet
12/2/2005 c1 1Black Planet
very short for this review.. but buy now i know what your thinking.. you have gone onto yout hotmail account and seen you have 6 or more reviews.. and 6 out of how many you have have been from me... hee hee.. so you're probably really sick of my name.. ok.. on with the review.. i liked it.. it flows like the others! keep it up and don't forget to remember to keep writing!
11/28/2005 c1 Shadowed Crescent
I've just started to write poems - actually, to write, period - so my review might not mean much to you. Anyway, I like your rhyme - I guess I pretty much like your style. It flows easily from one verse to the next.

But I think you can improve. Not in writing (grammar, vocab, etc) - but, rather, in the way you present your ... um, message? You don't have to make it unique - there's cliches all over the place, nowadays, in my opinion - but you can make it so that when a reader reads it, it's not just a couple of sentences strung together without much thought or feeling.

Sorry for the criticism. But look at it this way, I won't complain if you completely trash my poems. I probably need to work on them a little more. See ya- Kaye.
11/28/2005 c1 61ciara cathleen
Everything between "My appearance is now lifeless..." and "and the things to happen still…" I liked especially. I understand what you are saying and i like your writing style very much, but the message struck me as trite. I am not saying that what you were writing about was unsubstantial, I just think that if you would have gone at it from a more unique angle or maybe elaborated a little more, it would be so much more grabbing. But this is all constructive criticism. I really do like your style. Thank you and keep writing.

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