Just In
for Etched

8/18/2008 c10 7Sunshine Bear
I was reading the first line of this chapter but then I stopped because I had no clue to what was going on.

I was like, "Have I even read this?"

I went back and read all of the chapters though because I'm me. That didn't really mean anything.

ANYHOW. Wonderful story.
6/4/2008 c9 5Squirrel Activist

I finally got to the good part and now there aren't any more chapters! Ah!

How can this be!
10/13/2007 c9 15Switch
Hey, I just wanted to let you know this story has been added to the C2 Community, "High School Confidential," a place just for slashy high school stories. Please check it out! ^_^
10/8/2007 c9 17scenester7002
10/8/2007 c8 scenester7002
aww this is so sweet.
10/8/2007 c7 scenester7002
Aww, that was such a sweet chapter... I loved it...
10/8/2007 c6 scenester7002
He likes him, lol, haha...
10/8/2007 c5 scenester7002
He was disappointed...:( How sad...
10/8/2007 c4 scenester7002
lol cig...lol
10/8/2007 c3 scenester7002
lol. hes all like...ew
10/8/2007 c2 scenester7002
nice job...
10/8/2007 c1 scenester7002
wow, this is good, im glad i decided to read it.
9/20/2007 c5 UnknownHypocrite
good story.
9/20/2007 c9 UnknownHypocrite
good story.
9/16/2007 c9 7Sunshine Bear
Aww it just endded like that.. Now I am sad. Deep breath and I'm better!
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