Just In
for Appreciative Offspring

8/27/2007 c5 cyxnox
Love the flow and how you compare the ocean to a place you retreated to in a moment of distress. Well that's what I take from it... Very sad though... Love sad poems :)
7/22/2007 c4 Andromz
Hmm I liked it. It create nice imagery. You have a nice style of writing. It's lovely.

2/17/2006 c3 61Wingless Cherub
LOVE LOVE LOVE this one! And I don't use words like "love" overmuch. (..do I?). Now that I sort of know the backstory on this collection of poetry, I really understand and appreciate it. This was such a powerful poem. It really reminded me of... past things (lots of angst, pain, masochicism... the usual). Sorry it took me so long to read/review these-I'm especially sorry because I love this poem so much. It flowed so very well, asked some very insightful questions, and the ending lines "Ripped and tossed onto the sand, I'm forced to let go of mother's hand"-is just so... It strikes me speechless, is what I'm trying to say. I don't even have words enough to describe. I'll get back to you once I catch my breath.
1/11/2006 c2 Haberdasher
impressive, lovely mature writting. i did think the begginning was weak but the poem grew stronger as it developed. very emotional and although the pace was a little rough in places it was well done. the end was perfect, so vivid and wonderful. - the Lady Elaine
1/10/2006 c3 4DarkEpiphany
Soon Damnation on the Sand will be up so keep a look out! For those looking for Vampires and Seraphim please be patient, I got my PC taken away so V&S is currently on hold till I get a new job with good hours.
12/19/2005 c2 61Wingless Cherub
Ack! Look what you've done! You switched these two around on me, you tricky-person you. Well, since I already reviewed this poem (but it appears as a review to the first), I'm going to go back and review the other poem, the NEW first one. Very, very nice. Maybe even my new favorite compared to this one. I loved the line about the dove. Nice opener for this series, too, (did I mention that?). Sometimes it rhymes and sometimes not so much, which is good. I tend not to like poems that rhyme overmuch... (why does rhyme look like its spelt wrong? ack again!). I couldn't find anything to critisize here. I hope you continue to write more like this.
12/14/2005 c1 14TheColorPink
I really like this one. This is the one i have framed in my bedroom.
12/7/2005 c1 4DarkEpiphany
Thank you soo much Wingless Cherub. I am so glad people actually read my works, and that someone would take the time to actually review it really leaves me very glad. I will keep up the writing just for you (the few) who read my literature.
12/7/2005 c1 61Wingless Cherub
This is my favorite poem you've ever wrote/posted. It had that flowing AABB thing going on (I forget the technical term). The summary made me smile, which is what honestly attracted me at first-"I always seem to die in them though..." lol. Then I started reading and I was really intrigued. I searched for something to critisize but can't, couldn't find anything (you've escaped my wrath this time, muahaha) ... (I'm in a goofy mood this morning, lol). Hey, have you updated "V&S" lately?

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