Just In
for Verse

5/22/2006 c1 26My New Pen Name
I like this one, too. Succinct and well-worded. Nice one!
5/2/2006 c1 7blood-red white and blue
definatley-well-i dont know what to say. It was very good, but there is another word im looking for-im thinking "true", but i dont know.

P. S. if u read 3rd chapter of my story u will find out the cause of the fighting (u would need to read the 2nd one first)
2/2/2006 c1 1Marie Ellen
Amen! Who has felt this before? *world raises hands* And the way you put it is so powerful and true.
1/29/2006 c1 74LordK
Oh, I REALLY enjoyed this one. The ending is SO powerful. The accusations in it are strong and interesting.

I'm still in a bit of amazement at the way eveything fits in your poems (or the three that I've read, anyway). This is really, really good, again. I just want to speak this when I read it. Amazing. I genuinely want to read the next line after I read the first with your writing, and then the next poem after I finish that.

1/15/2006 c1 breezy nostrils
so true. i can really relate to this. simple, but goes a long way. keep on going!
1/9/2006 c1 145BellonaFlayreRiver
id almost title it Selective Hearing.. but thats just me. Verse is good too. it says just what needs to be said which i love very much. lovely.
1/3/2006 c1 Joelle Duran
I like this. Short and concise-there's a definite power in brevity. Unfortunatly, that's a situation all too many can empathize with.
1/3/2006 c1 Herminia
Overall, good job. However, I felt that your poem was a bit rushed at the last two lines. During the first four lines, you talked about "lash(ing) at me in anger" and "my words pour forth" and then you skipped to accusing the person of being "ignorant". I'm sorry but I think that you need to add more imagery or other information.
12/28/2005 c1 14aaidenkae
ignorance is not bliss. its a curse. lovely poem.-kae
12/15/2005 c1 sunday night sky
i can relate to this. nice work :D
12/13/2005 c1 6Count of Casualty
This reminds me of my step-dad... Wow, it's like exactly like him... Great work!
12/13/2005 c1 32pen it red
I can identify with that poem. Very good. I've always favored short, to-the-point poems.
12/13/2005 c1 127Eirien
Short ansd simple, yet really impressive and expressive, very honest and perfectly phrased.
12/11/2005 c1 waitandhope
Oh, wow. It flows beautifully. Very well written.
12/11/2005 c1 9BenevolentShadow
Like you had trouble naming this piece I'm having trouble describing it- good job... Thanks for reviewing to my poem. It's been a while since anyones reviewed and it's nice to know its still read. (my other stuff is better)
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