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3/17/2019 c1 Cindy J. Smith
very good!
1/24/2014 c1 AccountKiller123456789
Not a college student, but I can relate... lol.
8/7/2013 c1 Dominique Diane
11/21/2012 c1 1Ceri Anne
This really made me laugh. I've not been a student in fair few years but I can still remember feeling exactly like that! Brilliant!
11/12/2012 c1 29YasuRan
Boy, does this bring back some unpleasant memories XD. I haven't read a poem this amusing in ages, so this was a welcome find. With the speech of the weary protagonist, you pretty much took the words from my mouth from when I was a bored school student myself. Great job.
10/16/2012 c1 2fairydustillusion
HAHAHA! that was brilliant!
10/16/2012 c1 18FreekyDisaster18
Hey! I am here to share some exciting news. This was added to the poetry section over on A Drop of Romeo!

Here's the Review:

"Helen Thinks: Ian Nathaniel Cohen has taken a classic poem that I believe most of the population will recognise and introduced it to the twenty first century with their fantastic writing. Using the layout and beat of Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Raven”, Ian Nathaniel Cohen has created a masterpiece in “QUOTH THE PROFESSOR” that will have every reader relating to as it’s based on a student dozing in their class because of how boring it is, especially listening to their professor’s droning voice. As an ex-university student I can hand on heart relate to this poem and can state confidently that quite a few other readers can too. It is difficult giving a classic a new spin but Ian Nathaniel Cohen has not only managed to do that, but they have done it amazingly well. Even if you don’t know “The Raven” by Poe, I suggest you check out “QUOTH THE PROFESSOR” any way because it’s fantastic in all its own rights."

Keep writing,

Helen xo
7/5/2011 c1 19PyroPsycho x-x
Very well written and funny!

4/20/2010 c1 romanvagabond
That. Was. Amazing.
10/15/2009 c1 Anonymous

I absolutely adored it!

Not to detract in any way from the original - Poe`s `The Raven` is a masterpiece, but your poem is so apt, while being side-splittingly funny, that I will be hard-pressed not to quote it at my statistics professor, human soporific that she is.

Keep writing!
2/5/2008 c1 SerenityRoberts
That was a great satire. you really managed to capture Edgar Allen Poe's writing style. I too have had some boring lectures, though I am only a high school senior.
9/10/2006 c1 You're My Fucking Delight
12/1/2005 c1 anon
Wow. That was awesome, I love it!
9/7/2005 c1 Yoshi12
lol That was great! Even non college students can relate!
7/29/2005 c1 13Alchemist's Angel
I have to add this to my favs list! It's fun and cute and all too true.

It's probably going to go on the door on my dorm room, too, along with all the other "shiny" stuff my roommate and I find on the net.
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