Just In
for Hush little Angel

1/8/2006 c1 7tweedledumb
geezok that was brillantit was chilling and at the same time tragic, i love it!-cat
1/4/2006 c1 6SilentGoldenEyes
Wow. It's tragic, to be true, and the narrator seems so...callous...I wonder how old the narrator would be?

It's a beautifully written poem, with a twisted kind of theme.
12/22/2005 c1 119lostandwandering
that was a really sad poem/song. wow. that's just horrible that that happened to the poor baby.
12/22/2005 c1 27why can't I just be tall
it's a little sick. but not bad
12/22/2005 c1 12Lisa Parry
Disturbing, and the mindset of the narrator who is convinced they themselves are doing no wrong makes it a chilling end.
12/22/2005 c1 39SliversofSilverPain
wow, Lyss. Amazing. that's a scary one. interesting imagery; well done, and I love the use of rhyme!
12/22/2005 c1 17sunday night sky
i love this - i was singing hush little baby in my head, so it worked! nice job!

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