Just In
for Undecided

3/21/2006 c1 27Sama-T
Great job! and great choice of words in this it total adds the flow and stick the reader right in with the poem to feel the intense emotion, though this kinda fraked me out cuz i'm not one for the dark sided poems but i liked it!
2/5/2006 c1 5Charmy
Great rhyming! It's real intense. I love it! ^^
1/28/2006 c1 14shifter-chik
Have to say I'm not big on rhyming poetry, but this was pretty good. Interesting that dilemas like that exist, eh? Catch .22, damned if you do, damned if you don't.^..^~
1/19/2006 c1 21Phantoms-fallen-angel
Interesting use of Rhyme maggie... it flows, but not in the conventional sense. I always love reading your poetry, even if I do find it a little scary sometimes.:P Lol, love it, but I'm afraid I can't answer your question.. that poem really does screw with your thoughts. Cheers
1/10/2006 c1 30candyaddict
...O.O... I see the angst in this shining through very clearly. Beautiful rhyming, I love the flow. this is quite possibly one of the few angsty poems I have come across that I love. The whole trapped concept is really great here, makes me think of some Malay proverb "mati ditelan emak, mati diluah bapa." Okay, I've gone nuts studying, I'm quoting Malay now. Means mum dies if you swallow, dad dies if you spit it out. O.o.. off topic.. anyhoo, awesome poem!
1/1/2006 c1 14Mr. Raven
i enjoy this, though i would like there to be more...but; a great poem nonetheless :)
12/30/2005 c1 1Changethesubject
so powerful and so very taut with emotion. nice work, different from your usual writing style i can tell but still it was realy very good.
12/28/2005 c1 CrazyTwist
Not your usual style indeed - but typically opaque. Is this about euthanasia, or am I missing the point completely? Well, whatever it's about, the emotion really comes through - good work.
12/28/2005 c1 3Grimmand Honninscrave
Wow, i can really feel the internal struggle in this one. Very painful decision? Never good are those.

Very short, but in this case not a down point. Works well, I like it, bit dark for my taste though. Pity because it seems to me that many of yours are rather dark.

Cheers (or shall i say cheer up), Grimmand Honninscrave
12/26/2005 c1 5Leighton Carrington
I will have to agree with the other reviews this time, though I like your writing, this sounds more like a letter somebody leaves behind before commiting suicide. It doesn't sound very poetic...not trying to put you down or anything. cause your other work is really good, that's why you're in my favorites list.
12/25/2005 c1 61Shadowed Rain
I can see what you're trying to portray, but since it's an older work, all I'll say is that this does not have a steady internal cadence - even for a piece that is supposed to be somewhat frantic and undecided. Still, good shot.

(And as for your review: I wasn't offended that my poem ended off hopefully in your eyes - that was the whole point of it. ^^)
12/24/2005 c1 19Pink Sparrow
hmm, it interesting, the rhyming is amazing but sounds a little forced in some parts. Apart from that this is an amazing poem. I love the way its written. Nice work!

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