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for Mascara

1/30/2015 c23 lostlamb
Cute. You had me fool with Sam and Andy, but nevertheless i loved the story
1/21/2015 c23 5Ishotthealbatross
This story was so amazing...especially that ending :D I'm sad it had to end though :(
1/21/2015 c22 Ishotthealbatross
Andy is the coolest.
1/21/2015 c21 Ishotthealbatross
I loved this chapter :-)
1/21/2015 c20 Ishotthealbatross
This story is so interesting...I'm hooked!
11/29/2014 c23 zeljko
Yay! Happy ending *_* hihi. I love it! Thx
11/16/2014 c23 jAN
ha.. bet they'll be laying on their death bed before they realize that they made it til their 'forever'. because this is happening in my brain. because I read this story at least twice a year because I love it so fucking much. I had to switch up my guest account name so you won't know which guest keeps reading your story like a damn weirdo.
9/8/2014 c7 16atenea-in-the-sky
God, I really feel terrible about poor Henry.
By the way, I'm loving the story! :D
9/1/2014 c23 Trillpuv
Peter's a sadistic asshole with self-esteem issues. It's weird but I like him a lot, haha. And Andy is giving me a whole other impression of him than he did towards the beginning, which makes sense because well, character development. It was fun, these 23 chapters. :D Thank you for sharing!
8/28/2014 c23 MizuAz
Loved it loved it loved it!
7/28/2014 c3 teddylicious
You don't do smut? Not that I'm complaining.
7/28/2014 c2 teddylicious
You make it so easy to read without the need to barf. Nice smooth sentences and realistic conversations make the world so much more fun.
Kudos on the nice story. Sad that the break up wasn't anymore dramatic but it seemed like something that had the highest probability of happening.
5/28/2014 c23 Lunar of dreams
This story was very funny and different so I liked it but I hated the fact that you skip sex scenes but the drama in the story was good enough to make up for the missed scenes. xox
5/7/2014 c23 ajashire1
:) This story made my insides feel great. It truly was a wonderful journey.
11/24/2013 c8 TooLazyToLogIn
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