Just In
for Evan

4/12/2006 c1 dafne22
Really good story!
4/12/2006 c5 11Wolfie Star26
Well, I normally don't read this kind of story, but the summary was interesting and I wanted to see how it worked out. So here I am.

You're doing a wonderful job and I know I'm going to enjoy reading this story. So please keep up the wonderful work and update soon.

3/30/2006 c4 7SarryMatts
he called ^_^ hoepfully adam will kick Chrais' arse when he finds out about the abuse or arrest him for something. Looking forward to reading more~Serena
3/30/2006 c4 25Esquirella
I'm dying to know what Adam, the superagent, will do when he finds out that Chris is abusing Evan. I'm hoping Chris gets what he deserves. LOL!
2/23/2006 c3 Esquirella
Good story so far!
2/22/2006 c3 Tay
I really like this. please continue.
2/22/2006 c3 7SarryMatts
I feel so sorry for Evan, Chris is a bastard. I can't wait to see why Adam wants to call Evan and the explosion when chris does eventually find out will be cool.
2/19/2006 c2 SarryMatts
Cool. I'm looking forward to reading more and seeing the first meeting of the two of them after so long. I hope Evan gets saved because Chris is a bastard
2/16/2006 c2 3xfallen-angel-girlx
awesome awesome keep it up..love it so far!
2/16/2006 c1 xfallen-angel-girlx
hey...good story so far...i thnk you would get more reviews if you accepted anonymous ones...good work..keep it up :)
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