Just In
for Maze

3/30/2006 c1 5Twin-Swords-Of-Fire
hahaha this story was great! i can actually imagine adrienne doing that...which is kinda sad, but keep up the good work and keep writing!
12/30/2005 c1 12Adrienne Jones
hahahahahahahaha Consider Adrienne amused. Funny Kheva, very funny. Just submit it to Mr. Bowne at one of the Literary Club meetings I never go to and you're good. Anyway, I feel like leaving you an exceptionally long review as you actually wrote a story. Oh, Zerbo has a name on here too. Twin-Swords-Of-Fire, I believe. Quite fitting. Write more, please, and review for my stories. Technically I shouldn't be begging for reviews while writing one as it is bad manners but it is 10:30 at night and soon I might go downstairs, wait until my parents are done watching the news, and watch Pirates of the Caribbean. I am throughing manners to the wind. Fisrt though, I must revise and edit my Christmas present to you until I am mostly satisfied. good story, though. Write more. (was that long enough? people are going to think I'm insane. what, it's true!)

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