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for How to Write an Essay for the SAT

8/3/2013 c1 Hey
You are brilliant.
6/11/2006 c1 3CalliopeMused
I first was interested in reading a piece of yours after a review left for a piece of mine. First, I must say that your style is excellent and that I agree with many points of your essay. Second, I agree with several of your strategies for the SAT (and would recommend another- write in volume). I am familiar with the SAT, and scored a 12 in the essay section. However, after reading your recommendation to "make up" details, I must protest the review you left for a piece written in class.

First, America provoked Mexico into a war. The Tejanos were routinely discriminated against: many lost their lands to the (white) people who moved to the area to claim land. These landowners voted to join the USA. As for Custer and Mary- my sincere apologies. Those were details I should have caught, and my background leaves no excuse. I made two mistakes. As for smallpox- whatever happened, the Indians lost enough later with unfair treaties and shrinking reservations.

All examples were hundreds of years ago to a purpose. The intent was to draw parallels to the modern day. Iran/Iraq is only the beginning. As morality now (in the traditional sense) holds that wire-tapping is necessary (the numbers called/numbers of calls received), domestic spying, searches without warrants, and such other things are legal, and that searching a Congressman's office (with a valid warrant) is an outrage... are we that much better? Discrimination and glass ceilings abound. When faced with tough times, the administration (again) brings forward the marriage amendment (when most states outlaw such pairs, is this necessary?).

Thank you for your criticism, however pointed, but I must still hold my position on immigration. Perhaps my view is skewed, but as the great-great granddaughter of a woman from Ireland- who doesn't deserve the chance to have an opinion, slightly maul facts (I really am sorry about that, and have called myself twenty kinds of idiot for the problems), and hear criticism without fear of reprisals?
1/7/2006 c1 23Sam F
Well, to start, you have a spelling mistake. :PAnd you only got an 11! What kind of essay teacher are you!This does bring up a point, though - the SAT essays are total garbage, meaning nothing. Me, I got a 10, doing pretty much this [without the 'thinking of structure' part, and without the 'making up'[or having!]'evidence' part]. It should work.

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