Just In
for Where Love And Hate Collide

1/17/2006 c5 5anancientspirit
This is starting to get interesting. I hope they can make Pat understand, and I hope that Emilyn's friends will help her out a bit!

Can't wait for the next chapter!
1/16/2006 c5 UJWF0WFW0FWE0WEF0
Yay! All her friends get to learn that her father is an alchoholic and beats her mother. Update soon.
1/16/2006 c4 UJWF0WFW0FWE0WEF0
That was so crazy. Pat should go straight ot jail and Weston should be ashamed of himself for not stepping in for Joel. Homophobia sucks.
1/16/2006 c3 UJWF0WFW0FWE0WEF0
Short chapter. You know, I bet if they weren't yelling "I'm Gay!" in the halls and kissing then no one would suspect a thing. lol. Anyway, me shall read on.
1/16/2006 c2 UJWF0WFW0FWE0WEF0
I love dysfuncional/broken families. They make for good fiction. Nice chap.
1/16/2006 c1 UJWF0WFW0FWE0WEF0
oh, this is cool. The end was so sad though. He's all praying for his brother to stop hating people like him. Me shall continue.
1/13/2006 c3 Toffee-Popcorn
good so far update soon.
1/13/2006 c2 A Caged Mind
Fantastic, as was the first chpater...

Just my opnion, but, it seems to me that the kids in these types of stories semm spineless... the wives are well, weak. Instead of having Brenna in tears, why don't you have her get pissed. Have her mom stick up for herself for a change, tell the dad what a worthless screwball he is.
1/13/2006 c2 anancientspirit
What's going to happen? I hope that her and her mother will be okay!
1/12/2006 c1 A Caged Mind
Please, do write more...

Just as I slipped into the story you seem to have ended the chapter. All I can say is I'm hooked, and if you'd like to write more I'll faithfully review! Now, I'm not a christian but I don't think that 'your' needs to be capitazlized when talking about jesus christ. other than that, good job!
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