Just In
for needle tracks

5/3/2009 c1 145young and the reckless
ah, what is it with me and tragedy?

i think its a love/hate relationship.

but all i know is that you write

in gorgeous, fantastic ways
1/14/2006 c1 hey maria
I like how you would use two lines that were almost the same, with one or two words changed. A great contrast.
1/13/2006 c1 15butterfly-touch
This is beauiful. A lot of heart felt emotion. I love your poems. Write more!
1/13/2006 c1 11airplanes in the sky
1/13/2006 c1 56from beneath the bell jar
I liked it - dark and cool. I like "broken laugher and her empty eyes" and "tattooing all her mistakes". Some cool lines - kudos.
1/13/2006 c1 72The-Original-Neko
i dont know if it the music i am listen to or how i feel at the moment but this poem hit me and i felt sad
1/13/2006 c1 879Moondog Dozier
Excellent word choice and flow in this. The beat really progresses the words. Heartfelt and sad, but wonderfully written.

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