Just In
for Forbidden

8/26/2012 c1 Anon
That was so beautiful... I felt the emotion and love of the girl! Your writing skill is superb. Im curious though to the brother's real mindset on Ally. I hope you write a sequel. Thank You for this story - my heart clenched from it. :)
7/18/2011 c1 3Choc.lat.xo
More! Please please please?
12/3/2010 c1 OffendedAlabamian
It's not legal in Alabama...I don't know where you think you're coming from by saying it is because I'm sure you very well know some people are actually ignorant enough to not realize that incest is illegal in the entire country.
2/9/2010 c1 ToxicLove101
great story
9/20/2009 c1 3MusicKillsThePain
Inreadible. I am speechless. In a good way. lol. U used myname... lol! :)
6/21/2009 c1 hhfghfg
interesting, but a little too wordy. wish that something would have happened though.
5/17/2009 c1 Lumberry
love the tone, it flows.
9/19/2008 c1 Interstellar
Wow. Really heartfelt. I was just wondering if uhm... was that really coincidental? The Ally girl who's his brother was sleeping with? Or her brother was really thinking of Ally her sister while making love with the girl?

Well... good. :)
8/2/2008 c1 lynne102
This was truly a beautiful, heartfelt story! :)
1/8/2008 c1 youshida101
No no no! She wouldn't ...!

write more of this plz
9/25/2007 c1 5peachfruitsalad
alabamians are legally allowed to have incestuous relationships? weird! this is really good. powerful, and moving, if a little weird.
9/20/2007 c1 1Inulover4eva648
aw, why didnt they get together? and why is this amazing story completed?


amazing description. loved it.
9/2/2007 c1 Night-Butterfly83
Hi ! My english must be bad cause I'm french :P But I just wanted to tell you that I think it is really a beautiful story, specially the end ... I'm really moved !
8/12/2007 c1 Failed account
Very good, i really enjoyed it!
7/5/2007 c1 hot-caues-your-not
I love it
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