Just In
for snowman

2/22/2014 c1 Angels Have Faith
this is kind of.. realistic.
ooh, scary psycho on the loose..
10/15/2013 c1 Dominique Diane
Oh god, you really leave us hanging in the air! But I loved it!
2/17/2013 c1 32The Siege
I don't usually read horror because I'm a scaredy-cat but your summary drew me in and your writing...So good. I love this. It seems so real. I hate it too because it seems so real. Why is there such evil in the world?
Anyways, you're awesome. That's pretty much what I'm trying to say. :D
12/29/2012 c1 A Writer's Dilemma
Good but short, I would like to know his motivations, more of the back story. Right now it just seems unfinished.
11/5/2012 c1 13americanlebanese
Oh my god! I have a weird love/hate feeling to you right now! :(

This was SOO intense. I was nearly about to cry in the end especially when the little girl was on the phone with the police :( for some reason, i was expecting (well, hoping) that she would survive! :(

This recurrence kept sending chills down my spine: "Black eyes met green."

Brilliant story.
9/8/2011 c1 1A-new-colour
hey.. this was really nice... and i kind of cried at the end...
12/31/2010 c1 3michellemybelle
dude. that was crazy. i think with your writing, every word contributes to the effect you have-its all just so suspenseful, even in the beginning when everyone was happy and innocent and they were just going to build a snowman, for chrissakes.

you make your characters so real-i especially liked the line in the beginning that said, 'sticks and stones...' because that's what children are taught. your characters were just such real children, trying to be mature and trying to grow up. they never got the chance... gah.

but my favorite part is the last line. jeez. "and now for the weather".

that's. like, ingenious.

12/23/2009 c1 1i-rite-gud
Wow. That was intense. I loved it!
12/12/2009 c1 We Used To Wait
They just wanted to build a snowman.

That was depressing, and I loved it. I cried. Not sobbed, but you did me enough damage. Heh heh. The words italics and the suspense they brought was powerful. And Jeff and Hattie's cute relationship/friendship- there was something so eerie and sad in the fact that they were never able to continue, or even recognize it.

You write depressing stories, eh, eh. rawr
11/10/2009 c1 7Your Execution
I like it :D
8/28/2009 c1 1readaholicxxx
9/10/2008 c1 7ayenelle
oh WOW. simply amazing(: it was just so creepy and dark and just plain intruiging ! it gave me goosebumps ~ seriously, talk about killing innocence here with this story. i absolutely love love love LOVE it(:
8/26/2008 c1 Kasey's Twilight

That was so sad. Stories like this make my insides turn to mush. I hate it, the idea of children being murdered, but the story was very good.
6/13/2008 c1 3MalikiDragon
That's one of the most make-you-think stories i'v read in a long time. Thank you for being amazing.
4/16/2008 c1 7Novocaine for the Soul
whoa scary, but I love it.
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