Just In
for A Stalker? Watching Me? No Way

7/26/2006 c31 6Jenneration
I just read chapter 31, and realized I didn't get a review reply from you...so then I went to check my reviews since I usually review every chapter and realized I hadn't reviewed for chapter 30. Me so sorry. It's weird, cause I hadn't gotten an alert for it. Oh, well, I'm here now. :)

I kind feel that this was an abrupt ending, but I can see what you mean by dragging the story on too. Can't wait for the epiloge :)

Ha, I never would have thought it would have been Jasmine...she's now considered sneaky to me. lol. But it was nice of her to do that for Rachel.

-off topic-: You went to EdgeFest Two? That's awesome! I wish I could have gone :( I really like most of those bands. Did you get to meet any of the bands? That would have been sweet!

Anyway, update when you can. I'll be waiting. :)

-Keep Writing

|:x:| Silent-Rebel
7/26/2006 c31 ClaimingUntoughable
love it ope u can write more
7/25/2006 c31 R0MANCEFREAK
wow...Jazmine is...who would of thought? well you obviously...haha keep up the good work! oh and update soon!
7/25/2006 c31 1tingting
i liked how you toned down the jasmine thing =) it was getting hard to read. im satisfied with any ending as long as it's a happy ending haha. it's too bad it's ending though. thanks for the quick update! this is a wonderful story.
7/25/2006 c31 Christine Daae
I so can't wait for the realy last chappie! oh and the heart is by putting a & hearts ; without the spaces. yeah. I loved this chapter! Very sweet. AW they might as well be married! lmao.Much Christine Daae
7/25/2006 c31 7daretobe-dIfFeRnT
aww no, i think thats the best way to end it:D epilogues are always awesome. so jasmine ISNT a whore/slut after all! wow, shocker! she's actually kinda sweet but i agree with Jimmy, she could have done it a different way... cant wait for the epilogue!
7/25/2006 c31 3SimplySweetnSour
who woulda thought jasmine wasn't a whore. well i see that you changed your pen name again. lol. i notice random things. can't wait for the epiologue
7/25/2006 c31 1OverlyImaginativeDarkElf
yeah... I screwed up a bit with the pen name actually... but hey. well actually my close to Jimmy equivalent (but not quite so amazing) in my story, is real. I
7/25/2006 c31 2Kohnitz
You better freaking write a sequel or i will STAB YOU WITH A BAGEL! . i love it. it's so obnoxiously cute.
7/25/2006 c30 Kohnitz
aw this was a cute chapter. sorry i didnt review before... love it!
7/25/2006 c31 3Choice
Could you email me chapters 32 and 33? I can't view them. . It says that those chapters don't exist when I try to read them.
7/25/2006 c31 3megamegaturtle
Great job. It's great that the sisters are going to be able to mend their sistership! Yeah, well anyway a story always needs to be funny. Keep up the great work!
7/23/2006 c30 1tingting
are you serious! it's gonna end soon! oh my god. I love reading the chapter that Jason isn't in. I usually skip those parts cause it's so violent hahaha. of all the stories i've read on this site, this is by far the best. eveyrone kinda reuses the same plots. this is definately one of a kind. By the way, i think you kinda overdid the way jasmine talks haha. but it's okay =)
7/23/2006 c30 1OverlyImaginativeDarkElf
GAAH! I absolutely love this story! can't wait for the last few chapters! I want JIMMY! I'm writing a romance story of my own.. just kind of started... but there will be much better parts later on... eh -shrugs- you're a very good writier, wish I had your skill! psh. they say to critique the story, but I find theres nothing you should change so thar you go. XP
7/22/2006 c30 2codyismypup
I'm envisioning myself kicking you in the shin. GAH! You saw them! Damn you...good chapters!-Avey
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