Just In
for A Stalker? Watching Me? No Way

1/25/2011 c32 6FoodStamps1
1/25/2011 c31 FoodStamps1
kinda a shocker tht Jasmine actually cares
1/25/2011 c30 FoodStamps1
he fell asleep in her arms. It must've been akward to write some of this story
1/25/2011 c29 FoodStamps1
The... affair... disturbed me in many ways but i have no idea why i kept reading :|
1/25/2011 c28 FoodStamps1
wait wait wait scratch tht- i wasn't thinking clearly i havnet all day so yeah wow dude tht guys is a bigger rapeist than Jason... he actually tried
1/25/2011 c27 FoodStamps1
DUDE SRSLY? KNOCK THE DRINK OUTTA GIRLS HAND? and sarah is like a se adict like Jasmine... I dont see why rachel and her are frends
1/25/2011 c26 FoodStamps1
wow... no sex yet ppl to young... wway to young. but otherwise its still awsome.. janets the funny one as usual.
1/25/2011 c25 FoodStamps1
And one other reason why i hate Jasmines guts... but at least Jimmy got what he wanted.
1/25/2011 c24 FoodStamps1
wow, i thought i was right about who made Jasmine pregnant... :|
1/25/2011 c23 FoodStamps1
i think Nick is either one of Jason's "Henchmen" or someone who is a stalker wrse than Jimmy... Heck no ones better than Jimmy...
1/25/2011 c22 FoodStamps1
YO DOCTA! Rachel isn't for anyones use but jimmy's cuz their ment for each other... *hugh* I wish jimmy was MY BF... did i actually write tht...
1/25/2011 c21 FoodStamps1
yeah ruin the kiss u stupid doctor x?
1/25/2011 c20 FoodStamps1
please survive! please survive! i still love this story thing
1/25/2011 c19 FoodStamps1
I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT, JASON WAS THE PILOT! F-jason F-him to... you know where
1/25/2011 c18 FoodStamps1
great more jason x?
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