6/9/2006 c8 27femaleodd
ok, what happened between Kris and Andrew? is it something major? will you update soon?
ok, what happened between Kris and Andrew? is it something major? will you update soon?
6/8/2006 c1 sitabird
I'm not even kidding, I literally FELT my IQ drop after reading this...this is the ditsiest thing I've ever read. Is there any originality at ALL to this story? Let me guess...she keeps bumping into the the two guys, fighting with the jerk, and flirting with his friend. Until one day she realizes that the jerk is the one that she really wants, and they end up together all happy and nice like. Theres the same premise of just about 20 other stories I've read on this site. I know I'm being rude, but I'm just so TIRED of reading the same kinds of stories over and over and over! They are all the same! Just with a few minor variations in the plot line...ugh. Word of advice: Think up something more original. PLEASE.
I'm not even kidding, I literally FELT my IQ drop after reading this...this is the ditsiest thing I've ever read. Is there any originality at ALL to this story? Let me guess...she keeps bumping into the the two guys, fighting with the jerk, and flirting with his friend. Until one day she realizes that the jerk is the one that she really wants, and they end up together all happy and nice like. Theres the same premise of just about 20 other stories I've read on this site. I know I'm being rude, but I'm just so TIRED of reading the same kinds of stories over and over and over! They are all the same! Just with a few minor variations in the plot line...ugh. Word of advice: Think up something more original. PLEASE.
5/1/2006 c6 11iLuvHawkeye
Sweet! Can't wait to find out more about Tom and Kris...write on, my friend, write on!
Sweet! Can't wait to find out more about Tom and Kris...write on, my friend, write on!