Just In
for No Fairy

11/10/2006 c6 free-to-dream15
WHOA! lol I think that this is one of my fav. chapters so far! you SO have to update SOON!

Ps: seriously dont worry about my story..not even worth it!
11/4/2006 c6 11Tzotel431
Who would dare to abandon you? This story is great! I can't wait to read more of it! This whole Eric thing bugs me...he's evil cause I don't know alot about him! I want to know!

UPDATE SOON! please...

11/3/2006 c6 23Nut
Please please please update soon! I love this story so much!
11/3/2006 c6 2Dina JB
I really think this story is so amazing, I love it its on my favourites list as are you don't worry about being a terrible updater so am i, but as long I see SOMETHING this side of christmas i'll love you forever and review for always (although not in a weird stalker kind of way lol) I only have to tell you that you really should put more punctuation in your dialogue, at the end, so its like "Hey Bob, nice hat." not "Hey Bob nice hat" you know? thats the only criticism anyway but please don't forget about us and this story okay later dina
11/3/2006 c3 Dina JB
i LOVE it so far, juliet just seems to be a character I can really connect with and this is such an original plot... and on I go - dina
11/3/2006 c1 Dina JB
whoa interestng start, onto the next chapters - dina
6/2/2006 c1 1Teen-Authoress
Good intro - I like the idea of this.
4/26/2006 c5 free-to-dream15
Very nice chapter! I to like the flashback. It was quite a nice touch! update soon!PS: sorry it took me so long to get to this but I was in chicago!PSS: don't worry about reading my story! It's not like you have to!
4/23/2006 c5 tzotel
Thus was wonderful! I liked the flashback, kinda let us know some more about her and Eric! And I think I like Mother Lauren, she likes Juliet, although the girl is rebellious, she is only trying to help her graduate!

update soon!

4/23/2006 c4 Tzotel
Did I mention that I love this story? It has great plot and characters! I love it! keep it up!

4/23/2006 c3 Tzotel
Must know who Eric is? I have a sense, but I must know! It is very good!

4/23/2006 c2 Tzotel
its a very good story! I really like it!

4/23/2006 c1 11Tzotel431
You command, I do.

I like the place that this story is going, it is very good. I like the introduction, butIt can use lots of help. I am in no way saying that it is bad, not at all, just some editing, if you don't mind?

If you don't mind me editing this, send an email my way and i'll email you back. I could be overstepping a little here, but this is very good, i want to help you make it the best it can be!


4/23/2006 c5 23Nut
Heheh okay, everyone makes mistakes (I'm talking about the "Sacred Heart" thing =P). This was a good chapter. I hope Juliet will tell Olivia about Eric sometime soon. I'm kind of hoping she'll run away again or at least see Eric again or something because he seems so nice! Anyways, lovely work =)
4/15/2006 c4 5Tesseria
This is marvelous! I really, really love it. I think you should finish this and try to get it published. It's amazing!Keep up the fabulous work. I am really hanging on the edge of my seat here. I want to know what happens next!
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